Expansion solid mandrel

Expansion mandrel
The two most common types of expansion mandrels are:

Split bushing mandrel
A split bushing mandrel consists of a solid tapered mandrel, and a split bushing, which expands when forced on to the mandrel. The range of application of each solid mandrel is greatly increased by fitting any number of different sized bushings. As a result only a few mandrels are required.

Adjustable strip mandrel
The adjustable strip mandrel consists of a cylindrical body with four tapered grooves cut along its length, and a sleeve, which is slotted to correspond with the tapered grooves. Four strips are fitted in the slots.

When the body is driven in, the strips are forced out by the tapering grooves and expanded radially. Sets of different sized strips greatly increase the range of each mandrel. This type of mandrel is not suitable for thin walled work, since the force applied by the strips may distort the work piece.


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